
Welcome to


(ISSN  2393 – 2171; ISSN-L 2393 – 2171)

as the successor

of Annals of West University of Timișoara - Series of Chemistry

(ISSN: 1224-9513 – Print; 1584-1294 - On line; 1584-1286 – CDROM)!


Launched on Autumn 2014 New Frontiers in Chemistry (New Front. Chem.) is an e-open-access fee-free peer-review international academic journal, published by West University of Timisoara, addressing the modern trends and frontiers in fundamental, applicative and multidisciplinary chemistry, initially appearing biannually, however pursuing to continuously growing in published issues and in internationally data bases monitoring and impact.


Paralleling the ever-expanding chemical data, methods, and compounds available and continuously produced, the New Frontiers in Chemistry (New Front. Chem.)aims to cross fertilizing the multidisciplinary ideas as coming from Chemistry combined with Mathematics, the Natural sciences (Physics and Biology) and Applied fields (Medicine, Agriculture, Environmental, Engineering), while frontier, trans-disciplinary approaches (e.g. but not limited to physical-chemistry, mathematical-chemistry, biological-chemistry, medicinal-chemistry, chemical-engineering etc.) are highly encouraged.


Along Ordinary issues, Thematic, Proceedings and Celebrating Special issues are also envisaged; those interested in guest editing such editorial ventures are welcome in contacting the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for further details and scheduling agreement.


Contents include Full Research Articles, Letters, Topical Reviews, Perspectives, and Comments.


Editor’s Choice paper will deliver the Graphical Feature on the First Cover of the Issue it was included.


The Journal is currently considered for internationally indexing and the partner data bases will be successively announced.